Ignition interlock device laws mandate that interlock devices (IIDs) be installed on the vehicle of certain persons who receive a DWI conviction. Interlock devices may also be required after an arrest for DWI, DWI 2nd, DWI with Child, DWI 3rd, Intoxication Assault or Intoxication Manslaughter.
As an alternative to revoking driving privileges, the purpose of the device is to eliminate drunk driving while giving those with DWI convictions or subsequent arrests the opportunity to work, attend school, and perform other essential tasks.
An ignition interlock device or breath alcohol ignition interlock device is essentially a breathalyzer for an individual’s vehicle. It requires the driver to blow into a mouthpiece on the device before starting the vehicle. The devices are widely seen as beneficial both to the driver and the public.
How does an ignition interlock device work?
Ignition interlock devices prevent a vehicle from starting if the driver has been drinking. The device works like a breathalyzer, measuring the alcohol in a person’s system. If the amount of alcohol on the driver’s breath exceeds a pre-programmed level, then the interlock temporarily locks the vehicle’s ignition and the vehicle will not start.
To take the test, the driver simply delivers a breath sample into the device. If no alcohol is detected, the vehicle will start as usual. If alcohol is detected, the driver must wait before testing again. The first time alcohol is detected, the wait time is a few minutes, but if subsequent tests are failed the driver is locked out for increasingly longer periods.
The data received from all breath samples is sent to the court that ordered the device to be installed and/or the probation department.
Installing ignition interlock devices
If a judge has ordered you to install an interlock device on your vehicle, the court may send a copy of the order to the DPS who will add a condition to your driver’s license that any vehicle you operate must be equipped with an interlock device. If your license is restricted you may go to a vendor approved by the court, have the device installed, and pay a fee to the DPS.
You then receive a restricted license that requires an ignition interlock device on any vehicle you operate. You may also be required to pay for and obtain an SR-22 certificate as proof of insurance from your insurance company.
You will also be required to pay a $125 reinstatement fee when your restricted license expires as well as return to the vendor to perform testing and maintenance at a minimum of every 30 days.
Justin was my lawyer for a case I had with Tarrant County. He was very responsive, professional, and helped us sooo much! I ended up having everything dismissed. Definitely highly recommend!
- Payton R.
I cannot say enough good things about this law firm! They took care of me and immediately started working my case. They knew exactly what to do as soon as I told them my story.
- Alana B.
If you are facing a court order to obtain an ignition interlock device on your vehicle, you need the guidance of an experienced criminal defense attorney to explore all of your options. If you already have an ignition interlock order in place, you may be able to request a hearing and present to a judge why you should receive early removal of your interlock device.
Whatever your situation, call Justin Sparks for a free consultation. He is a former Tarrant County Assistant District Attorney who has handled hundreds of DWI cases and dealt with numerous ignition interlock court orders.
Call Texas ignition interlock lawyer Justin Sparks today at (817) 334-0300.