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Writer's pictureJustin Sparks

What Is "No Refusal Weekend" in Texas? | Sparks Law Firm

Standardized field sobriety tests (SFSTs) are used in most instances by police officers to help assess whether a motorist is operating a vehicle while intoxicated. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, around 23% of all fatal road accidents are caused by drunk drivers during holidays and weekends.

As a result, the Texas court has introduced a 'No-refusal Weekend,' during which all drivers must voluntarily be subject to blood or breath sample testing. However, in some instances, police officers must also obtain search warrants prior to taking a blood sample for suspected drunk driving.

Typically, these no-refusal weekends will involve law enforcement officers setting up roadblocks around the state and conducting evaluations. An officer may pull over a motorist that they suspect of driving while intoxicated and ask the person to take a breathalyzer test or perform a sobriety test.

Refusing to Provide a Blood or Breath Sample

Refusing to Provide a Blood or Breath Sample

When a law enforcement officer suspects a driver of drunk driving during no-refusal weekends in Texas, they may request the driver to submit a blood sample.

Refusing to comply with such a request may result in additional criminal consequences, such as being charged with a misdemeanor or felony offense. This could include time in jail or a hefty fine. The Sparks Law Firm has information on what the 3 field sobriety tests are.

An experienced criminal defense attorney can often be very helpful in challenging any requests of the officer for a blood test, especially without a search warrant.

What Happens During No-refusal Weekends?

In case of being pulled over for a DWI/DUI charge by a police officer on a no-refusal weekend, drivers must comply with the requests of the law enforcement officer.

However, if the driver refuses to provide either a blood or breath test, enforcers can obtain a search warrant for a breath or blood sample and make arrangements for someone else to take it for them.

After the officer obtains the sample, it can then be sent to a lab for further testing. The breath sample is analyzed for alcohol content, and the blood sample is tested for drugs.

How to Avoid Being Pulled Over on a No-refusal Weekend

No-refusal weekends are part of special policing measures enacted by law enforcement agencies to target intoxicated driving. During a no-refusal weekend, police officers will be on the lookout for drivers they suspect are under the influence of alcohol.

If they have probable cause to believe someone is driving while impaired, they may pull the suspect over with a search warrant and ask them to submit to a blood test due to reasonable suspicion.

In such cases, it's important to remember that drivers always have a right to remain silent (by invoking the Fifth Amendment) and to speak with their attorneys before making any type of statement to the law enforcement officer, especially during no-refusal weekends.

Unless the police officer already has a search warrant, automobilists should politely decline any requests to submit to a blood or breath testing. This is the greatest protection they have against being wrongly charged with drunk driving.

Drivers should also remember to contact a top DWI attorney as soon as possible to ensure that their rights are fully protected.

How Can a Qualified DWI Attorney Help Clients Navigate No-refusal Weekends?

Drivers across the state are subject to increasingly strict laws related to suspected drunk driving. This can be especially true during no-refusal weekends when law enforcement ramps up its efforts to keep the roads safe.

While these efforts are meant to keep motorists out of harm's way, they also require drivers to exercise their rights with care. A qualified attorney can assist automobilists in navigating the no-refusal weekend, which usually occurs in anticipation of or during holidays and other high-traffic events in an area.

During a no-refusal weekend, the police are required to ask the driver for a blood or breath test if they suspect drunk driving. If the driver refuses to provide this sample, the law enforcer can seek a search warrant to obtain a blood test sample under probable cause.

Having the assistance of a criminal defense attorney during a no-refusal weekend is invaluable, as they can provide proof that the blood sample was obtained in an unconstitutional manner or that the driver had a valid defense to refute the charges against the police offer.

Texas No-refusal Weekend Dates

Texas No-refusal Weekend Dates

As drivers, understanding the no-refusal weekend is essential for avoiding dangerous situations and maintaining safety on the roads. Texas no-refusal weekends are designed to keep motorists and other people safe from the dangers of drunk driving.

During specific dates, law enforcement personnel have the authority to acquire a blood alcohol level (BAC) test for suspected drunk drivers under probable cause without requiring search warrants. This helps reduce the incidence of accidents with intoxicated individuals who otherwise might have been able to evade detection.

No-refusal weekends are typically held near major holidays and important events. These dates are usually announced before the holiday or event and allow enough time for drivers to plan accordingly:

  • Christmas Eve

  • Christmas

  • New Year's Eve

  • New Years

  • Super Bowl weekend

  • Fourth of July

  • Labor day

  • Memorial day

No-refusal weekends differ from state to state, but in Texas, the legal blood alcohol content/ concentration (BAC) level is 0.08. On most weekends, the police will enforce a "zero tolerance" policy for any suspected drunk driver with a BAC of 0.07.

During special holidays, however, any driver suspected of DUI can be compelled to take a breath or blood test, regardless of their refusal.


It is important for Texan drivers to be aware of the no-refusal weekends and to plan their activities, such as drinking alcohol, accordingly.

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense, so motorists should be aware of the repercussions of breaking the law. The no-refusal weekends are designed to reduce both the risk of accidents with drunk drivers and the number of people arrested for DUI/DWI charges in Texas.

By understanding the specific weekend dates in the state, drivers can ensure that they are making the right choices and taking the necessary precautions while operating motor vehicles.

However, for those uncertain as to whether or not a given day falls within a no-refusal weekend, consulting a law office is the best way to go. Knowing the dates and adhering to the jurisdiction can ensure a much safer road and environment for everyone.


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