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Try Sparks Law Firm for the Best Arlington TX Federal Crimes Lawyer

Writer's picture: Justin SparksJustin Sparks

Very few things are as scary as finding oneself being accused of a federal crime and facing the possibility of spending time behind bars. While most people are lucky enough to go through their entire lives without ever having to deal with that horrifying reality, it is still something that can happen to anyone.

If the event that such a situation occurs, the first thing an accused person needs to do is call an experienced criminal defense attorney to defend them. Representing themselves in federal courts is not something anyone should ever attempt.

In Texas, the best Arlington criminal defense lawyers are found at the Sparks Law Firm. With years of experience serving Arlington, TX, they are the go-to attorneys for anyone faced with criminal charges.

People may visit their law offices today for a free consultation!

Federal Criminal Law

Federal Criminal Law

In Arlington, TX, and the rest of the United States, any crime that takes place on federal land or is handled by federal officers is regarded as a federal crime. It is an act that has been made illegal by U.S. federal legislation.

Usually, it takes both the United States House of Representatives, and the United States Senate to enact a federal law before it is signed off by the President.

A federal crime is usually a crime so serious that it is deemed to require the intervention of a more powerful form of law enforcement than regular police, and, as such, it is placed under the jurisdiction of the Federal Bureau of Investigations.

Texas Federal Crime Statistics

Texas has seen a sharp rise in federal criminal acts in the past few years, which is a pattern seen across most of the United States, meaning criminal defense attorneys have become more important than ever.

Homicides, for example, have increased by almost 90% in Austin, the capital of Texas. Smaller cities have not been spared, with Arlington, TX also seeing a high degree of violent crimes when compared to other cities of similar size.

Federal Crime Conviction Rate

Despite the best efforts of experienced federal criminal defense attorneys, the federal court conviction rate is very high, with 90% of those prosecuted being convicted.

This is why it is very important to make sure that the chosen criminal defense attorney is highly experienced in handling these types of cases. Failure to do so will only add to the already difficult odds of preventing a conviction.

Eight Kinds of Punishable Offenses

While all kinds of criminal offenses should be considered a serious matter because of their ability to tarnish one's record, there are different types of punishments given under federal criminal law, according to the seriousness of the crimes.

One of the first things a criminal defense lawyer will do when presented with a case during the free consultation is to determine the nature of the crime and place it under one of the following categories:

Capital Offenses

This is, by far, the most serious type of crime under federal criminal law. It carries the maximum sentence permissible, which, in many cases, is the death sentence.

Capital offenses include a host of very serious crimes, such as treason, espionage, or murder as a result of aircraft hijacking. Other forms of murder, such as during drug-related shootings, kidnapping, or assassinations also fall under this category.

First Degree Felony

Another very serious form of crime, second only to capital offenses, is a first-degree felony. These types of criminal charges carry a very broad range of sentences which are highly dependent on the details of each individual case.

In Arlington, TX, most first-degree felonies carry a minimum of five years imprisonment but can go as high as life behind bars. Examples of these crimes include aggravated robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault, carjacking, home invasions, as well as attempted capital murder.

Second Degree Felony

Any individual who is found guilty of a second-degree felony will face possible imprisonment for not more than 20 years, but longer than two years. The length of the sentence is highly dependent on the ability of the criminal defense lawyer to prove mitigating circumstances that will persuade the judge to be lenient.

Examples of second-degree felonies include Burglary, DUI manslaughter, and selling of drugs.

Third Degree Felony

Aggravated stalking, bribery, the battery of a law enforcement officer, and child abuse, can all be considered third-degree felonies under federal criminal law. The severity of the punishment depends on the specific circumstances as presented by the prosecutors. In most cases, the accused faces between two and 10 years of jail time.

State Jail Felony

A 180-day or two-year jail sentence is the usual punishment for a state jail felony. Criminal offenses that are listed in this category include identity theft, check forgery, criminally negligent homicide, and DWI with a minor.

While criminal defense attorneys can try to argue for a reduced sentence, state jail felony criminal charges do not have the possibility of early parole.

Class A Misdemeanors

A misdemeanor is considered a less serious form of crime when compared to felony criminal charges. In the case of a Class A misdemeanor, the penalties imposed cannot be any jail time longer than one year. Examples of this type of criminal charge include basic assault, indecent exposure, trespassing, and petty theft.

Class B Misdemeanors

The lesser criminal charge of a Class B misdemeanor involves offenses such as criminal mischief and obstruction of a public roadway. The penalties for such minor offenses cannot exceed 180 days of jail time or a $2,000 fine.

Class C Misdemeanors

Disorderly conduct, traffic tickets, theft of less than $50, and simple assault are all regarded as Class C misdemeanors. Legal representation from a federal crimes attorney in Fort Worth is not usually required for such cases, and if it is required, then a public defender would be a good option. The punishment for a criminal offense is a fine of less than $500 without the possibility of jail time.

Common Federal Crimes Handled by Criminal Defense Attorneys

There are specific crimes that are deemed serious enough to require the action of federal prosecutors. The list of federal criminal charges which can be laid against individuals in Arlington, TX is very long.

The crimes discussed below are some of the more serious offenses under federal criminal law that any criminal defense attorney has to be familiar with.

First Degree Murder

Some of the most serious federal criminal cases in Arlington, TX involve the act of first-degree murder, which is the intentional, willful, or planned killing of one person by another.

Under federal criminal law, this crime is punishable by death, and most convicted felons who find themselves on death row are there for this particular crime. However, criminal defense lawyers can argue to get the sentence commuted to life imprisonment.

Aggravated Assault/Battery

When assault charges are raised to aggravated assault, it is usually because the federal prosecutors view the extent of injuries sustained by the victim to be severe enough to warrant stiffer penalties. In Arlington, TX, those found guilty of this first-degree felony face very long jail sentences.

Sexual Assault

As criminal attorneys serving Arlington, TX, the team at Sparks Law Firm has helped many defendants who were facing criminal charges of sexual assault. There are a lot of factors regarding such charges, and Arlington criminal lawyers often have to unravel a lot of complicated details.

With the right legal representation, the accused could be acquitted or have the criminal charges reduced to a lesser crime, such as indecent assault, depending on how the criminal defense lawyers present the case.


Few crimes under federal criminal law are as serious as that treason because, in essence, it is regarded as a crime against the nation. The residents of Arlington, TX are among the most patriotic in the country, which is why anyone accused of this crime needs to contact super lawyers at Sparks Law Firm as quickly as possible.

Domestic Terrorism

Recently, the United States has been rocked by a huge surge in domestic terrorism, with many of the perpetrators targeting schools around the nation. Federal law takes any acts of terrorism very seriously, and without a strong criminal lawyer, the accused can easily find themselves facing the death penalty.

Drug Trafficking

The war on drugs is a never-ending one, and residents of Arlington, TX have not been spared. In many cases, innocent victims of this drug pandemic are caught up in it and risk being prosecuted. After years of practicing law, the lawyers at Sparks Law Firm have helped many people being accused of drug trafficking to get lighter sentences than the ones that they are facing.

Violations of Securities Law

With the recent boom in digital currencies, lawyers have seen an increase in the number of traders who regularly clash with government agencies for violating one rule or another under the Securities Act.

Luckily for Arlington, TX residents, at Sparks Law Firm, the lawyers have highly skilled criminal attorneys with extensive knowledge in federal criminal law and plenty of experience in dealing with legal issues surrounding Securities Law.


The act of piracy is a controversial one in the U.S., with federal statutes condemning it as an act of theft, while many consider it a victimless crime. Regardless of the public opinion regarding piracy, federal law is quite clear that it is a serious and punishable offense, and Sparks Law Firm's legal team is here to fight for the rights of individuals accused of such a crime.

Violations of Interstate Commerce

When crimes are committed across state lines, they are usually regarded as a contravention of federal laws and immediately attract stiffer penalties. Such is the case with crimes involving interstate commerce. Although regarded as white-collar crimes, they are still serious federal criminal law transgressions and require the assistance of good defense attorneys.

Armed Robbery

Armed robbery almost always results in a serious criminal case with the possibility of long jail sentences. However, in certain situations, a good criminal defense lawyer can look at the evidence and help get the charges reduces to a lighter offense, for example, burglary or petty theft.

Aggravated Identity Theft

To steal the name and social security number of U.S. citizens is a federal crime that carries a sentence of up to two years in prison. However, when such crimes are brought up in front of a criminal court, a criminal defense lawyer with a lot of experience can assist the accused get a lighter sentence.

Child Abuse

Few cases can induce an emotional reaction among jurors as those involving any form of child abuse and very few individuals who are found guilty of such crimes can expect any mercy from the courts. Depending on the seriousness of the offense, it can either fall under family law or criminal law, but either way, super lawyers are here to help.

How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Assist

The United States federal criminal law system can be very complicated, and without the help of highly experienced attorneys, the outcome of a trial can be bad for the accused. That is why it is important to visit the law offices of Sparks Law Firm. The lawyers offer their clients the following services:

Evaluate the Charges

It takes a lot of experience serving Arlington, TX residents to be able to look at the charges being brought against an accused individual and determine the best course of action. The lawyers offer a free consultation to fully discuss the various options of how best to deal with the case.

Prevent the Case From Going To Court

What separates Spark Law Firm's super lawyers from an ordinary criminal defense lawyer is their ability to solve legal issues without having to go to court. By negotiating with federal prosecutors, the attorneys can help their clients avoid the risk of being found guilty in open court, while at the same time saving the court valuable time.

Devise a Defense Strategy

There are many ways to approach a criminal case, and the choice made by a defense attorney can be convicted as a federal criminal, or have all charges dropped. After many years as the best criminal lawyers in Arlington, TX, this means that no matter the charges, they have probably come across cases similar to that.

Negotiate a Plea Bargain

One great strategy normally used to great success by Arlington criminal lawyers is to negotiate a plea bargain with the federal prosecutors, which in many cases results in their clients serving less time than they would have if they had risked a jury trial.

Represents Clients in Open Court

With the good legal representation lawyers have to offer, clients can have very serious charges of, for example, aggravated assault, reduced to lesser forms of personal injury that will reduce the applicable sentence by a huge margin. The outstanding lawyers are here to fight for the rights of their clients during all federal hearings.

Negotiate Sentences

Once a guilty verdict has been handed down, there are only a few options left for federal criminal defense lawyers to exploit, and one of them is to negotiate a lighter sentence for their clients. By highlighting certain extenuating circumstances, they can ask the judge to be more merciful towards the convicted individual.

Launch Appeals

Even after the client is convicted as a federal criminal and sentenced to federal prison, the outstanding lawyers do not give up. They can still launch appeals to have the guilty verdict rescinded and their client freed from jail.

Choosing the Right Criminal Defense Law Firm

Choosing the Right Criminal Defense Law Firm

When choosing the best defense lawyers out of the many available in Arlington, TX, the important things to consider are as follows:

Great Track Record

The right attorneys need to have a great record of handling federal criminal cases similar to the one the potential clients have to prevent the occurrence of any sort of surprises.

Traceable Qualifications and References

A quick check of the law firm should bring out authentic qualification records from the respective state bar association serving Arlington, TX, as well as genuine references from past clients.

Local Knowledge

When dealing with a local Arlington Jury, having knowledge of the kind of people they are can be the difference between a conviction and an introduction of reasonable doubt.


A great law firm needs to have many law offices in easy-to-reach places around Texas, such as the many convenient Sparks Law Firm offices.


There is nothing worse than a lawyer being unavailable during an ongoing trial on a criminal case. That is why law firms have to be adequately staffed to ensure that there is always someone to assist the clients when needed.

Other Arlington Practice Areas

Hire a Sparks Law Criminal Defense Lawyer Today!

Winning a federal case requires highly experienced Arlington, TX lawyers with sound knowledge of not only state law, but of the court system as well. At Sparks Law Firm, there are super lawyers ready to serve anyone who has been accused of committing a crime.

With their affordable legal fees and free consultation, there is nothing to lose, and everything to gain by letting top-notch criminal attorneys handle any federal criminal case. People may call their office today!


Sparks Law Firm

Justin Sparks has been defending clients across Fort Worth and Dallas for over a decade. Our firm helps you through the criminal process, from investigation to appeals. Free consultations for all new cases.

Practice Areas


Crimes Against Justice

Crimes Involving Minors

Drug Crimes



Federal Crimes

Firearm Crimes

Juvenile Crimes


Violent Crimes

White Collar Crimes


603 East Belknap Street

Fort Worth, TX 76102

(817) 334-0300

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